Naruto King of the Saiyans - Chapter 1 - NidaimeKyuubi94 (2024)

Chapter Text

Story Start

The Citadel of Naruto's, a place where Naruto's from other realities congregated after they brought peace to their own realities in whichever way they deemed appropriate. It was also a checkpoint of sorts to Naruto's looking for a new world to start over in. The council of Naruto's were the strongest and eldest Naruto's in the multiverse each in charge of a particular caliber of Naruto, a deity Naruto was in charge of other Naruto's with god powers, a Saiyan Naruto was in charge of other Naruto's with an alien heritage like Kree, Asgardian, and Kryptonians, and there was a Naruto who was in charge of other Naruto's who had gained powers from different dimensions but still relied on their Ootsutsuki powers,

Currently, Son Naruto was sitting at his desk looking at the worlds he sent his counterparts under his employ to, before he paused and looked up,

Naruto vanished in a snap of distorted air and reappeared beside Ootsutsuki and they watched a screen, "I'll take over."Son said as an attack ball slammed into another ship destroying both,

"What're you going with?"


"Dude, your the embodiment of Power. You've mastered every power that exists. Kinda overkill."

"Fine. Ki, chakra, and…" Son looked over as one of his wives waved at him, "Tantric energy." He smiled

Ootsutsuki narrowed his eyes looking over his shoulder, before he smirked, "How about a deal?"

Son raised an eyebrow,


17 year old Naruto Uzumaki walked with two of his childhood friends, Jung-Suh and Shin Nayeon, "Oppa." Nayeon asked

"Hm?" Naruto asked

"Don't you have a girlfriend?"

"Why would you think that?" Naruto asked

"It's almost the end of the semester. I just wondered if there was someone you like." Nayeon said

"You know I have to be careful with stuff like that." Naruto said, crossing his arms over his chest, "On top of gold diggers, I have to find women who are okay with me having multiple women to revive the clan."

"You'll miss out on your youth like that, you know?" Jung-Suh asked

"Oi! Are those two going to a secluded spot?" Nayeon asked pointing to two students going into the forest area

"Please let's not." Naruto said only for the girls to grab his wrists and pull him along and they came upon the sight of the class president and vice class president having sex,

Naruto grabbed their hands and pulled them back away as the window opened and two students trying to smoke a cigarette saw them,


Naruto and the girls had sat behind the two exhibitionists who were covering their faces embarrassed.

Naruto smirked leaning his head on his fist amused. In the years Naruto had been on this planet he found that his power was unchanged although his body wasn't capable of handling it completely until he hit puberty,

After he attended all of his classes Naruto went to his after school club which was the dance department but all he did was set up the equipment and help them stretch, and acted as a kind of bodyguard against dudes trying to peek in and see them, after school Naruto went drinking with the girls,

"Why don't you dance with us?" Jung-Suh asked

"Not really interesting in dancing." Naruto said

"Still don't see what you do in your free time. Your either working at the gym, convince store, or as an HR intern."

"I'm good at time management." Naruto smiled

"This kinda thing might be boring to you though, right?"

"Not at all, you guys make up my friend group. I don't have an issue hanging out with any of you." Naruto smiled

"Aww." The girls said causing Naruto to blush slightly before a hand was slammed onto the table causing Naruto and the girls to look up, a man in a suit stood there leering at the girls, "Hey, get lost!" The man said glaring at Naruto who grabbed Nayeon who had tagged along as she was about to get up, as the man thinking Naruto was about to get up looked at one of the girls, "So what do you say you and your friends come to my place."

"They're not interested." Naruto said standing up causing the man to glare

"Who ask-"

"Before you get hurt, I'd advice you to leave."

The man raised an eyebrow and cackled, "Make me."

"If you insist." Naruto said stepping away from the table and between between the man and the girls,

"N-Naruto." The girls cried as the man was buffer and taller and yet Naruto was unfazed,

"Relax, it won't take long."

"That's my line!" The man yelled surging forward with a hook that Naruto leaned away from, stepping back and ducking to the right and leaning back to the left before his back hit the concrete wall and he moved out of the way of the kick that the man crushed with a kick causing everyone's eyes to widen,

"Stop running around. I need all of my stamina for when I take those girls." The man said

Naruto looked unbothered, alphas deserved their pick of the litter, it was the way of the world,

Three teachers at the school stood up noticing that it was Naruto who was fighting, having just seen the big guy swinging at someone,

Naruto suddenly sped forward and punched the man in the nose, breaking it as the man stumbled back into a pillar, "Son of a bitch!" The man said after taking his blood before he charged with a Haymarket ready but Naruto kicked him in the face sending him to a knee.

Everyone watching was shocked as Naruto looked down at the man waiting for him to move and when he did Naruto leaned away from a jab and grabbed the man's wrist pulling him forward before with a flick he dislocated his elbow, and pushed it back dislocating his shoulder,

The man fell to his knees groaning as his arm was useless, "Don't ever speak to them again." Naruto said before he kicked the man in the chin knocking him unconscious,

"Ah." A man said smiling while watching him, as Naruto grabbed the man and dragged him out of the restaurant,


Naruto carried Nayeon on his back as she was too drunk to walk straight, "Mom's gonna be upset you were involved in a fight again."

"She won't know, cause you're not gonna tell her." Naruto said

"But you were a hero." Nayeon slurred

"She doesn't need to know that." Naruto said

Naruto walked into the apartment complex, and boarded the elevator, with Jung-Suh, when the elevator opened she kissed his cheek, "Thanks." She said before rushing off

Walking to a door Naruto lightly kicked it a few times until it opened and he smiled at Yeona, "She overdid it again huh?" She asked looking at her daughter sleeping

"Of course she did." Naruto said before walking in and making his way to her bedroom, where he laid her down and tucked her in,

Walking out Naruto saw Yeona sipping some wine while she was on her computer, "Wish I could stay but I have some things to do before I turn in."

"It's okay, see you later." Yeona said walking him to the door and placed a hand on his back as he walked off and she watched him go before closing the door,

Naruto walked to his apartment and unlocked the door, entering he turned on the lights as he kicked off his shoes,

Walking to his closet Naruto began to shadow box, but paused as someone knocked on his door, walking over he answered it and his eyebrow raised, "Eun-Jung Sunbae?" He asked watching her hiccup before she stumbled forward,

"Goin to sleep." She slurred tripping and falling but he caught her by her arm before her face hit the ground,

Naruto sighed, "God dammit." He said lifting her up and carrying her to his bed where he placed her, and walked out before sleeping on the couch,

Holding up a finger, Naruto watched as a purple orb of Hakai energy manifested, watching it for a while he allowed for it to vanish before he turned on his side and began to doze off, "All this time and I still don't know what I want to do." He thought to himself before closing his eyes.


Naruto found himself roused from his sleep and he opened his eyes and saw Eun-Jung in her underwear, "Oppa, uh I'm sorry but I threw up all over my clothes and I was hoping I can borrow the bathroom and a change of clothes?"

"Sure." Naruto said getting up, before he led her to the bathroom and gave her a pair of his clothes,

"Silly me coming into the wrong floor. This is why alcohol is my enemy."

"I'll do the laundry for you." Maruto called as a clone looked over the clothes before they were surrounded in a purple aura and reduced to atoms before in a white flash an identical outfit was in place.

"Thank you! Naruto, would you like to join my study group?"

"What is it focusing on?"

"That would ruin the surprise. I have a member who has got a nasty attitude and someone like you can give him a real attitude adjustment."

"Sure, my group was disbanded anyway."

"Sung, really dropped out?"

"Yeah, and Toshi went to America. Don't see why he would do that honestly but I'm not his daddy." Naruto said

"Well I'm glad I can help you for all that your doing."

"Don't mention it." Naruto said before he stepped away

Later, Uju Group, HR Department

Naruto walked into work, and raised an eyebrow looking at the elders, the job was something he had started in middle school from being a mail boy and he rose to be a chief in the HR Department, some didn't like that because of his young age and it was known he was still attending school and passing his classes, which impressed the higher ups showing his dedication and such, Main thing he did was computer work though, and whenever he needed to do a presentation or something is when he'd get called in,

Naruto sat in the office, with Mi-Jeong, "Is there a problem Ajumma?" He asked

"Someone is trying to sabotage you."

Naruto narrowed his eyes, "What do you mean?"

"Sure you've heard of the hidden camera incident?"

"Yeah…wait they're saying it's mine?" Naruto asked incredulously

"It's been the rumor going around." Mi-Jeong said, causing Naruto's eyes to narrow, as they glowed, "I know that you're innocent, and I'll try to figure out who the true culprit is, I promise you."

Naruto sighed annoyed, "I got to get to work." He said standing up, "Still coming to dinner tonight?"

"Of course, I wouldn't miss it." Mi-Jeong said watching him leave, before with a frown she looked at the paper that needed her signature to transfer Naruto to a different location only she was unwilling to sign it, her former best friend found him and raised him until the lab accident that claimed her life, she and her friends took over the responsibility of watching over Naruto who had become a kind of protector for them, she fought hard to get him in the HR position so he'd always be beside her as it made it impossible for her to get harassed by the branch manager.


Naruto Naruto stood in a tank top and basketball shorts in the corner watching the clock, as he was waiting for his first day as a fitness trainer to be over with, "Naruto!"

Hearing his name Naruto looked over to the milf at the desk motioning for him to walk over, walking forward Naruto glanced at all the asses of the females working out before he made it to the desk, "Yes?"

"You can't be a wallflower." Seon-Jo said

"I'm not, honestly. I want to settle in before I just go and pretend like I know the ins and outs of the gym. Besides as a Fitness Trainer shouldn't I be keeping my eye on the members and correcting any mistakes I see?"

"Yes, just don't be ogling any of them. I'm expecting good things from you. Go help her."

Naruto looked over and saw a woman beginning to stretch and shrugged, "Okay." Naruto walked over

"Hello." Naruto greeted with a warm smile

"Hi." The woman blushed

"My name is Naruto and I'm a Personal Trainer, would you like help in adjusting your posture?" Naruto asked

"Please." The woman said

"Okay, I will stand aside to adjust your posture. But you have to stimulate your muscles carefully."

"Hm. I don't know how to use the back muscles."

Naruto nodded and stepped beside the older woman as she bent down to pick up weights, "Straighten your waist." Naruto said placing a hand at the small of her back not knowing of the chakra that ran up her back causing her breath to hitch, "Chest up, and adjust your breathing.'

Naruto blinked and the woman was lifting weights with her ass pressed against his crotch, "I'm Mi-Seong." She said grinding against him

"Nice to meet you." Naruto smiled even as his co*ck hardened from the grinding he was getting from the beautiful woman, he glanced to the manager who gave him a thumbs-up,

Naruto got his first client and her personal number before the gym closed and he had to clean up, when he was suddenly hit with a towel and turned around to see the Seon-Jo, "What're you thinking about?"

"Uh, I was propositioned into sleeping with a few clients and-"

"Did you accept?"

"What? No, I mean I didn't outright refuse but-"

"You're a fine young man, Naruto. Sex is just as much of an exercise as running on a treadmill. If they want you and you're up for it, f*ck them if not just be gentle when you're letting them down."

"Sure your not just trying to be my pimp?" Naruto asked putting the mop-up

"More money." Seon-Jo said with a shrug before she took off her pants, "Come help me."

Naruto turned around and licked his lips before he walked over as she stretched and got on the yoga mat

"It's been a long day so it's a bit difficult." Seon-Jo said

"I should go." Naruto thought his gaze intense as he stared at Seon-Jo's ass

"f*ck it." Naruto said walking forward and knelt down and placed his hands on her rear thigh and pressed forward, his hands moving to her ass and pushing her down

"Perfect." Seon-Jo smiled before she motioned for him to lie down and he did before she lifted his right leg and began to do hamstring stretches

Feeling her breasts on his leg got Naruto excited as his co*ck hardened. Seon-Jo noticed and touched the inside of his knee pushing it to the side and placing her other hand on his pelvis, and after a quick stretch she crawled up and straddled him,

"You're gorgeous, Naruto. Your fit and every woman can tell your packing. If they want you to make them happy, then do it." Seon-Jo said as she grabbed his erect co*ck and he hissed as she massaged it

They switched so Seon-Jo was on her back and Naruto had his hands on her hamstrings pushing her legs up as he rubbed his clothed erection on her womanhood his pants getting wet as she soaked through her clothes,

The two humped each other their noses touching staring each other in the eyes before Naruto leaned and Seon-Jo opened her mouth before their tongues clashed and they began to kiss, humping each other until Seon-Jo came,

Pulling away with a string of saliva between them, "I want to open up a dojo, and I want you to be the instructor."

"Of course." Naruto said before they kissed again, when her phone rang causing them to groan in annoyance,

Naruto finished closing up as Seon-Jo had to leave,

Looking around at the empty parking lot Naruto flew up into the sky and landed in an alleyway, Naruto walked out and entered a store, and started his next job,

4 Hours Later

Naruto leaned on the counter by the register doing his homework, "Spicy chicken… chocolate, ugh. Have you tried this before?"

"Hell no. That don't even sound like a flavor that should exist." Naruto said looking up at his coworker, Lee Ruri,,and he watched her try the candy and look disgusted before she ran behind the counter and spit it in the trash as Naruto laughed before she looked up at him and make to say something but her eyes widened,

Naruto looked over and saw the gun aimed at his head, "You know what this is, give me all the money."

Naruto sighed before his hand came up, grabbing the man's hand crushing it against the handle of the gun while pushing it up before he grabbed the man by the hood and slammed his face into the counter cracking it and leaving a blood splatter behind as the man toppled back unconscious,

Ruri looked shocked as she got up, and looked at the unconscious man, as Naruto placed the gun on the counter, before he turned around and paused as Ruri looked at him with sparkles in her eyes, "Uh, aren't you gonna call the cops?"

"Oh right."

The door opened and Naruto smiled seeing his best friend, "Sang-Mi, it's not what it looks like."

"Everyone is talking about you getting in another fight." Sang-mi said before looking down at the man, "I'll let this one slide."


With a bag in hand Naruto chewed on his honey bun, "Always eating. We're heading to dinner now" Sang-mi said

"I'm always hungry." Naruto said looking to his friend,

"Seriously how are you so fit when every time I see you you're eating junk food." Sang-mi attempted to snatch the honey bun, but Naruto turned his face away chewing, "You should eat more meat. I thought fitness trainers were supposed to be buff."

"I'm ripped and what am I supposed to be trying to emulate Sylvester Stallon?"

"So any hot girls at the gym?"


"Have you met the future Ms. Uzumaki?"

"I have an extensive list, want to throw your name in the hat?" Naruto asked causing Sang-mi to blush before she slapped his chest as he chuckled,


Naruto was the only man at the table, something he was used to, he blinked as a cake was placed before him, "Happy Birthday!!" Everyone yelled

Naruto looked confused and looked to the calendar and his eyes widened seeing it circled October 10, making him 18, before the world stopped around him and he smirked looking at the corner where Ootsutsuki leaned on the wall, "Congrats, you actually held out till you were 18. So what's the plan now?"

"Oh, I'm going to act a fool." Naruto said waving his hand dismissively,

"Just remember Son, You're here for a reason."

Naruto waved his hand, "Yeah, yeah." He said before Ootsutsuki vanished and time resumed, as Naruto smiled, enjoying his birthday celebration,

Everyone from the apartment complex came to celebrate with their protector as they referred to him as, they knew about his powers cause he was never shy about using them, and when he was 13 at the age of consent he was about to lay claim to them all but Ootsutsuki and he made a bet,

As one of the stronger Naruto's their much stronger abilities always had to remain sealed but with Naruto winning he got to release one of the seals binding his power, you see a little secret about Son was that he had been led by his instincts for battle so much that he had devoured so many multiverses and powers that he became the embodiment of Power. There wasn't a skill or ability he hadn't come across, took and made his own, Ootsutsuki had devoured his fair share as well becoming the embodiment of space and time itself as a stepping stone to fully becoming the embodiment of Samsara. Absalom was the embodiment of the supernatural, while Allen who didn't know it yet had become the embodiment of all forces, Speed, Still, Strength, Sage, and the forever force.

This is the goal of the Ootsutsuki clan, perfection in whichever walk of life one Naruto walked he was more often than not going to be perfect in their field


Naruto sat at the bar getting wasted, as he downed the entire bottle of saki, before he dropped it with a refreshed sigh, his face flushed, "Ah that hit the spot!" He slurred,

"It's so great to see you truly relaxed." Juumi said as the mothers all sat around him while the girls all were chatting and drinking, themselves,

"I'm telling you it's true~!" A drunk Jung-suh said with most of the party looking at her, as she held her hands apart, "It's really thi~s big!"

"How did you even see it?" Sang-mi asked

"Can't you tell by his tights? If it's out it'd probably be like a dragon."

"Please~you've got to be kidding. Even if it's big, how big could it really be?" Mi-Joo asked

"Seriously. I thought my previous boyfriend looked big over his clothes but when it was actually time it wasn't anything." Mia said

"I'm telling you it's real, I'm not joking." Jung-Suh said smiling, "Remember Sophie? She broke up with him because it was too big. Watch."

Jung-Suh walked over to Naruto who got up from the table, excusing himself to get some water when she grabbed his shorts and everyone's eyes widened as she pulled them and his briefs down,

Naruto to drunk didn't register that his unit was out for all of the girls to see, as they all looked at him try to walk but he fell before he floated causing his pants and briefs to fall off completely as he floated above them and they all stared transfixed at the fat slab of meat hanging between Naruto's legs. It was the longest, plumpest, penis any of them had ever seen and it wasn’t even hard. The monster was already more than three times the average size of the asian male.

They watched as Naruto floated to the kitchen and began to get some water, before he turned and looked at the girls, staring at him, hungrily, "Wha-" he asked looking down and seeing his bottoms gone, "Oh."

Naruto was made to put his pants back on as Jung-Suh's mom, Yoon-Jung grabbed her by the ear with a blush and took her home,


Naruto was asleep, as a figure gathered their clothes and scurried out of the room and closed the door leaving him alone,

Yawning Naruto opened his eyes finding himself naked with his bed a mess and his co*ck covered in woman fluids, looking at the trail of cum leading away from the bed to the door Naruto sped forward looking at the trail go up the stairs before he heard a door close, "Hn." He grunted

Walking back into his house Naruto rubbed his temple as he felt nauseated before he circulated chakra through his body receiving himself of the alcohol effects, "That was fun." He said walking to the shower, before his phone buzzed,

Walking over he saw he had a text, "You up?"


"Mind coming to help me with some stretches?"

"Send me the address." Naruto said

Putting his phone down Naruto quickly got into the shower, he had 18 years of sexual frustration to work through and while he and someone had se fun, it wasn't enough,

Getting out of the shower and getting ready Naruto checked his phone before he vanished and reappeared outside a residence.

Smirking he pressed the button and waved at the camera, before he was let in,


Mi-Seong shuddered and spread her legs wider for him as the tip of his tongue touched her anus and then pushed hard against her crotch as he licked up, wiggling his tongue between the folds of her labia and then flicking it over her cl*t. She moaned loudly when he suddenly sucked her entire cl*t between his lips. Naruto then attacked her puss* with gusto. Mi-Seong had never felt anything so good before. He licked and sucked her puss*, sometimes using his tongue as a co*ck f*cking her with it. Before she knew it, an org*sm was growing, getting bigger, and her world exploded as she came all over his mouth.

With her legs on his shoulders and his tongue still on tje attack, Naruto crawled onto the bed as Mi-Seong tried to recover from her org*sm when she felt his fingers entering her, while her lower half was off the bed and moved the tips around deep in her puss*. His mouth hadn't slackened off either. He was still teasing her cl*t, tongue twirling around it, flickering up and down over it. "Oh god! Naruto, I'm going to cum again!" Mi-Seong moaned while tensing up, rolling her hips up into his fingers and mouth. Naruto let the pressure build until finally he sucked the entire nub of her cl*t between his lips and sucked hard. "Aaaahhhhh!" screamed Mi-Seong as she came. Her eyes rolled up in her head and the pleasure left her dizzy. Her nipples ached with need as they'd both leaked milk as she came.

Mi-Seong smiled with satisfaction as she recovered. Naruto was still teasing her puss* with his fingers, but now it was just the tips. His tongue had moved up the side of her bush, then the top of her bush and over the slight mound beneath her belly button. His tongue pushed into her navel just as his fingers left her puss*, his hand moving through her bush, over her hip and up over her ribs to grab her left breast and pinch her nipples. He quit tonguing her belly button, kissed it, and then proceeded to kiss up the line above her stomach, after lowering her down before he kissed over her rib cage and then up her right breast. He planted a kiss right on her nipple, flickering it with his tongue before sucking it between his lips just as he had done with her cl*tor*s.

Naruto's mouth left her nipple and he kissed up her breast to her shoulder. Mi-Seong moaned slightly as his mouth reached her neck as she closed her eyes and parted her lips as his mouth met hers and his tongue entered her mouth and her own tongue began dancing with it. Naruto arched his back, his fingers pinching her nipple. His fingers returned to her puss*, the tips teasing her slit, growing wet with her arousal, pushing into her, as his co*ck parted her labia and pushed her puss* lips inside, stretching her out like her insides had never been stretched out before.

Mi-Seong opened her eyes as she kept kissing him even as his co*ck worked in and out of her puss*, using her own arousal to lubricate it before pushing deeper while her legs opened wider for him making it easier for his co*ck to go deeper.

"f*ck," she whispered, raising her hips rapidly into his co*ck as he held still while adjusting his body directly over her. He hovered over her, on his knees and a forearm as his free hand grabbed the headboard before he began to pump his co*ck in and out of her. As each thrust of his co*ck sent the head further into her puss* Mi-Seong wrapped her arms around his neck as her legs locked around his waist. "Ooohh!!" she gasped as his co*ck head knocked on her cervix. The pain grew as his huge co*ck head forced it's way into her womb, then disappeared as she org*smed for a fourth time that day. She leaned up and kissed his hard chest, submissively.

Naruto bucked his hips hard, slamming his co*ck rapidly into her puss* shaking the bed causing it to squeak and whine. There was a loud constant squishing sound each time he buried his co*ck in her soaked puss*. Mi-Seong f*cked him back as best she could, while clinging to his body and bringing her hips up into each thrust of his co*ck. He pounded her to a fifth then a sixth org*sm that was as big as the one he'd given her while going down on her. Finally, her sexual needs were getting satisfied, not just hers. Naruto had volunteered for this world for battles and sex. In 18 years he's held himself back on sex he was considerate enough to not relieve all his pent up energy on her. He hoped

Naruto finally slowed, but he was just changing positions. He pushed himself off her and sat back on his knees. He turned her on her side and straddled a leg. Mi-Seong looked up at him, placing a hand on his chest as he was slamming his co*ck into her faster. Black hair briefly flashed golden blonde, as Naruto grasped Mi-Seong by the throat as felt another org*sm growing having never been f*cked this hard or fast before.

Mi-Seong slid her hands all over his chest and muscular arms, she shuddered with desire as she came again before their lips met and they kissed again as Naruto kept f*cking the woman. Mi-Seong gasped and sucked his large lower lip into her mouth as she came all over his co*ck. Naruto broke the kiss and sat back on his legs, as a choker flashed on Mi-Seong's neck, while his co*ck was sliding rapidly in and out of her puss*.

Mi-Seong gasped each time his co*ck bottomed out in her puss*, as he growled, picking up speed causing her toes to curl as the pressure grew. Naruto suddenly buried his co*ck, the first jet of his sperm striking the back of her womb. "Oh!" she screamed, realizing that he was cumming in her. Naruto spurted a second time and the dam broke. Her puss* contracted all over the still spurting co*ck, pulling his sem*n deeper inside her. He finally began to withdraw his co*ck with her puss* muscles milking every inch of the shaft for more of his sperm as he removed it.

Mi-Seong fell on her back and missed his co*ck the moment the head exited the opening of her puss*. Naruto secured his peace and aimed it before he shot another long strand of his seed that struck her chin and left a trail all the way down to her pubes. He thrust his co*ck up over her belly, strings of cum hitting her face, chest, breasts, and ribs. Finally, it quit shooting, but sperm continued to pour from the tip in a white stream that splattered on her belly and began to form a pool in her navel.

Mi-Seong looked down at his co*ck, still swollen and huge as he straddled her belly and she planted her parted lips right over his co*ck head, gripping the base with one hand and squeezing her hand up along the shaft. She milked the last bit of sperm still stuck in his shaft and was rewarded with a small squirt of his seed across her tongue. She opened her mouth wide and took the head in her mouth, letting her tongue twirl all around it before pulling back and planting a long kiss right on the tip. "That was amazing," she said looking up at him while stroking his still hard co*ck, "Can we do it again?"

Naruto, before he leaned up a bit and Mi-Seong was flipped over and immediately she got on all fours. Mi-Seong moaned as his co*ck was slipping back in between the folds of her puss* lips. She moaned, her puss* and his previous deposit of sperm quickly lubricating his co*ck. Naruto f*cked her hard, pulling her hips back into each thrust of his co*ck

Next Day

After leaving Mi-Seong's place Naruto went home to get ready for school and everyone was much nicer than they used to be, even the way the milfs interacted with him was kinda off, not in a bad way but in the way they hugged him more affectionately, his friends couldn't bare to look him in the eyes without blushing and it was kinda weird to him, but a good weird, Naruto had put claim to all of them soon as they met, they didn't know it though. Every boyfriend was drugged and discovered with a whor* before intimacy could be initiated, exes that tried to come back around were killed like Hyo-Min's father who left Mi-Jeong while she was pregnant in college,

Naruto looked to Da-Eun who blushed and looked away and he narrowed his eyes in thought, since they were kids she could never keep a secret from him so maybe she would be able to fill in the gap in his memory. Getting drunk was fun but overdoing it made it annoying, "Okay, then that's all for today's lecture, great job everyone."

Naruto got up and began to head to Da-Eun when his phone rang, "Hello?" Oh, right…so where should we meet?" Naruto asked before he raised an eyebrow,


Naruto and Eun-Jung walked down the hall, finding it odd that they were in a apartment complex a few blocks from their complex, before the door burst opened and their senior Suhyun rushed out, "Cutie!" She smiled at Naruto who sighed used to this, before she hugged his arm into her cleavage,

"Alright~ Let get in there." Suhyun smiled, dragging him into the room, "We have a newcomer!"

Naruto raised an eyebrow looking at his professor Hyun Mi-Kang, his friend Jang-Choi, and the douche Jung Pil-Kang, Naruto looked to Eun-Jung who smiled nodding, "Oppa~" he looked to Suhyun as she poked his cheek, "My breasts are big right? Wanna touch them?

"Suhyun, Jang's right there." Naruto said pointing to her boyfriend

"It's fine." Jang said scratching the back of his head,

"All right ! Let's have a welcoming party, okay?!" Suhyun asked excitedly before pulling Naruto out of the room, while Jung Pil glared after them, before he looked at a smiling Eun-Jung

"Why'd you allow him to join?" He asked causing her to look at him,

"Need I remind you that I oversee this study. Who I allow to join or kick out is at my discretion." Eun-Jung said before walking off. "Suhyun!" Suhyun poked her head out the elevator, "You know what to do right?"

"Of course!" Suhyun smiled

Eun-Jung looked over to see Jung Pil slam his apartment door in Hyun Mi-Kang's face causing her to sigh as the professor looked sad, "Sensei, please come with me."

Mi-Kang fell in step with Eun-Jung, "Your devotion to Pil is turning into an issue."


Naruto and Suhyun were at a bar in the early afternoon, as he looked at Suhyun who was being very forward, "What's up with you?" He asked as Jang across from them watching them like a weirdo, as his girlfriend was groping another man,

Suhyun raised an eyebrow, "Don't you know this is part of the sexstudy group?"

"Sextudy? What is that?" Naruto asked

"It's a place where boys and girls go dirty."

"I thought this was history." He said with his eyebrow twitching

"We picked a boring name, so that no one bothers to join. Anyways, you must pass the test and when you become an active member you'll be able to use every puss* in this study group freely unless the owner explicitly says otherwise."

"Test?" Naruto asked before looking over at Jang, "Let me guess."

"Jang may be buff but he is submissive to stronger men." Suhyun said, biting his earlobe, "Are you the alpha, oppa?"

Hour Later, Motel

Jang gripped his unit through his pants as Naruto slammed his co*ck into Suhyun, "Ugh! Ah Aaahhh!" Her body exploded with pleasure as Naruto made her cum again and again. She wrapped her legs around Naruto's back trying to pull him deeper. There was a stab of pain as his co*ck head slammed into her cervix. His co*ck squirted precum on her cervix before with a grunt Naruto pressed his co*ck hard against her cervix and slowly pushed through. Suhyun moaned as Naruto buried his co*ck up to the balls in her puss*

Naruto pulled back, but the ridge of his co*ck caught inside her cervix, as his hips bucked faster and faster.

Jang watched the Naruto brief clad ass cheeks flex. The man didnt want to get fully naked with another man in the room and was f*cking the mans girlfriend through the stretched hole as he had ripped it slightly to get his co*ck and balls out, Jang's pants gained a wet mark along the crotch area as he came on himself as Suhyun started screaming as she was having one long continuous org*sm. Naruto's hands were squeezing her tit* as she arched her back.

"Here it c*ms." Naruto grunted and buried his co*ck. Suhyun's body went wild as a massive
load of sperm filled her womb. Her puss* quivered as his co*ck continuously jerked, shooting more sem*n inside her.

Growling Naruto slapped her ass cheek as his co*ck was still pumping little jets of sperm out. "Ugh," she cried as Naruto fell on her. He rolled her over so that she was on top of him.

Despite being exhausted, Suhyun pushed up off his chest and began riding Naruto's branch. She ground her puss* hard into his crotch loving every inch of his huge shaft. Naruto started bucking again and was startled when her puss* began org*sming again. It was almost too good.

Naruto's co*ck outlasted her strength and he had to help by cupping her ass cheeks and bucking his hips. Suhyun had her biggest org*sm of the night as Naruto flooded her womb once again with his hot sperm. She collapsed like a rag doll on top of him completely exhausted.

Naruto rolled her limp body over so that he was on top. He waited until his co*ck quit squirting and softened slightly before removing it. Nearly a Gatorade bottle's worth of sem*n poured out of her puss*,

Naruto went to the shower and crossed his arms contemplating what he had figured out. Eun-Jung had created the group but didn't participate in the sex, and nobody knew the purpose of the group beside her. The rules were simple.

Never let anyone else know.

Eun-Jung was just the host and doesn't take part in sextudy

All sex that membets in the sextudy group partake i. must be reported to the host, if without a member of the group must have video evidence. Penetration and face of member

The host offered money and rooms needed for sexual activity

You have to report at least once per week, if not you're automatically out

If a female member tells a male member no then the male member should stop advances immediately failure to do this was an immediate explosion.

"Get paid and f*ck women, nice." Naruto said looking at the shower head, "Jang is manageable but Pil-Kang needs to take a hike." He thought


Naruto walked out of the shower and saw Jang still sitting there obediently and he got dressed, "Have fun." He said closing the door as Jang crawled to the unconscious Suhyun

Naruto was talking when he heard his name get called, and he looked back and saw Young-Chun walking up, "Your mom missed you at the party yesterday."

"I had a date." He smiled before walking with Naruto, "Oh, she said she wants to cut your hair since it's been so long."

Naruto grabbed one of his bangs that came down to his chest, "Maybe." He said

"Let's go get a dr-"

"Pass. Go to work. I aint helping you with your rent again." Naruto said causing Young-Chun to slump with a sigh,

Naruto walked looking at his phone he checked his schedule and frowned seeing he had quite a lot to do, in a massive cloud of smoke 7 clones appeared and split up as Naruto looked around as he heard ringing before he blinked and answered his second phone,

'Artifacts stolen, sensed on Earth potentially can throw the world into chaos and suffering." Naruto hung up before he looked at the notification of ¥3,440,962,500.00 yen being deposited to his bank, and with a nod he stalked off, and continued to read his mission, "The Shadow sword, capable of making demons from whoever it cuts. The Forlorn Hope emits a cryptic power at full moon. And the Orb of Baast can capture living souls, especially those of children."

"Hn." Naruto grunted placing the phone in his pocket before he stretched his senses

Later, Juumi's Penthouse

Juumi was a stay at home mother, was currently vacuuming as her son ran around with a red cape on, "Seo-Woo~! Don't run in the house!"

"Lightning Power~!!" Seo-Woo yelled before he kicked her in the leg

"Kim Seo-Woo!!" Juumi turned around angrily, glaring at her son, "GO TO YOUR ROOM RIGHT NOW!!"

Seo-Woo ran to his room scared of a spanking as Juumi sighed hearing her baby crying before she walked to the chair and picked up her body, "Seo-Jun I'm sorry for waking you."

Juumi looked exhausted before a ring of her doorbell got her attention. Walking over she wiped her face and smiled before answering the door, "Hello Eomeoni." Clone 1 greeted

"Hi, come on in." Juumi smiled

Moments Later

Clone1 sat across from Seo-Woo in his room at his table, "I don't want to study."

"Quicker you study, the quicker you can go back to playing." Clone1 said

Clone1 tutored the 6 year old for 45 minutes before he got up to use the restroom and his eyes widened seeing Juumi sitting on the floor with her breast out asleep still holding her baby

Clone1 made his way back into the room, deciding to hold it. He sat down and continued tutoring,


Juumi snapped awake drooling with her tit* still free and her baby asleep in her arms, "sh*t." She noticed her exposed chest and placed her baby down and fixed her top, just as the door opened, "Good job again Seo-woo." Clone1 said to the boy who was smiling brightly proud of himself

"Eomeoni, thank you for your hard work today." Clone1 said

"No teacher thank you for today. Thanks to you I'm able to get some rest."

"I can babysit Seo-Woo and Seo-Jin if you find yourself being overwhelmed." Clone1 said

"Thank you so much." Juumi smiled bowing to Naruto

"Okay, I'm off to Mi-Hee's. Seo-Woo, remember what I said." Clone1 said to the little boy who nodded enthusiastically

Clone1 left with a wave as Juumi closed the door and turned around before she gasped when she saw Seo-Woo cleaning up all his toys

With clone2

Clone2 crossed his arms over his chest standing beside Yeona, as Jung-Hye another resident of the complex who owned a restaurant, taught them how to cook, her restaurant was one of the bests in Asia as it even had a kid section for moms to just come and relax while her menu was across the board, feeling eyes on him clone2 looked over and saw her employees Ji-Yan, Seung- Hui, Hyeonjung, and Hye-Sun staring at him,

Clone2 watched her stir the tofu in the large pot, before she looked at him, "Your turn!" She smiled holding the large stick toward him,

Naruto nodded and took the stick before he began, "Like this?" He asked stirring the noodles,

"Your muscles are so big its not easy to guide you." Jung-Hye said before she smiled and took the stick from him before sliding between him and the pot, causing his eyes to widen along with the observers,

"Um, you're not uncomfortable are you?" He asked with a light blush as she smiled up at him

"It's okay because you're tall." Jung-Hye smiled before she looked at the pot blushing and sending her friends devious grins as she felt Naruto's co*ck against her ass, "Now the tofu is getting firm so it may be harder now. Ready?"

"Yeah." Naruto said wrapping his arms around her before he yelped as he was pushed aside and Yeona took his place

"I'll do it!" Yeona said before she bear hugged Jung-Hye who gasped as Yeona made her stir faster,

Clone2 watched amused as they argued,

Sitka, Alaska

An alien aircraft landed on the Big Gull Island S, the door opened and a man dressed in Saiyan armor with long hair, the man pressed a button on his scooter and saw the only ki signature on the planet, with a smirk the man placed a hand on the attack ball and the ship burst into nanites before crawling up his hand and forming a bracelet. Raditz rotated his neck causing loud pops to be heard before he walked off toward the house as lights came on,

A man opened the door with a flashlight and a shotgun, the man shined the flashlight put into the blizzard while squinting as he tried to make out any suspicious figures, the man sighed and walked out closing the door and locking it, the man turned to go search but ran into the Saiyan causing the man's eyes to widen as the Saiyan smirked down at him, a flash of light lit up the island

Hours Later

The Saiyan was sitting at the table eating ravenously frowning as his scouter sensed no abnormal signs of Ki. Pressing a button on his scouter as 3d report presented itself before him, and he narrowed his eyes as it read Prince Nion was sent to Planet Earth. The people still lived so there was no reason for him to be anywhere else.

Raditz sighed and began to look into the primitive advancements Earth has made that would be able to help him with his search,

With Naruto

Reappearing in a tree, Naruto frowned slightly as he looked down into the clearing, at three men, "If this sword can make demons from trees, just think what it'll make from humans." The short demon said holding the sword up proudly, "I say we go to the next city and carve out a thousand of them! Imagine raising an entire demon army!"

"I like the way you think, Hiei. And if we teach them to eat souls, I even know how we'll feed them all. The orb of Baast!' The Gouki yelled laughing sinisterly

Naruto smirked before he shot forward, Hiei's eyes widened before he turned but too late as his elbow was punched breaking the arm while his sword was snatched and the blur sped across the clearing and decapitated Gouki

Hiei snapped his arm back in place as Naruto took the orb from the falling headless corpse before the two weapons disappeared in bursts of smoke,

"Hey." Naruto smirked as Hiei glared at him before Naruto looked over to the redhead in the shadows, "I'll be taking the mirror."

The redhead looked at Naruto before he turned and walked away, Naruto narrowed his eyes and went to pursue but Hiei with his original sword appeared in his path

"Where are they?!" Hiei yelled enraged rushing forward

Naruto stepped back from a sword slash ducked from a decapitating swing and lunged with an overhand punch that slammed into Hiei's skull and slammed him into the ground

Naruto kicked the sword away and jumped back as Hiei tried to grab him before the top of the demon’s shirt was ripped away and eyes opened up all over his body and Naruto seeing this narrowed his eyes before he stomped and golden chakra chains appeared and wrapped around Hiei before with a pulse they turned black and Hiei eyes widened as he began to feel weaker

"Bravo Naruto." A woman said descending on her broomstick

"Boton, one dead, one captured and one of them has fled." Naruto said to his handler

"I'm not worried you'll catch him, but not tonight you have school in the morning." Boton said as two men dressed in black robes appeared and arrested the subdued Hiei and vanished with him

"Don't remind me." Naruto sighed as Boton waved him off and he disappeared in a swirl of leaves leaving a scroll behind for Boton who smiled and picked up the stolen weapons

With a sigh Naruto returned home, his clones dispelled and Naruto stopped as one clone figured out what happened and why everyone was being so weird so suddenly. With a twitch in his eyebrow he reminded himself to go and talk with Jung-Suh,

Walking into his apartment he smiled at his professor Go Suyeon, as it was her turn to cook for him, "Su-ajumma? What's up?"

"Long week." Suyeon said, Naruto raised an eyebrow, as he sat beside her, "I may be in the market for a new job." '

"What?" Naruto asked surprised

'Budget cuts, and I have the least seniority." Suyeon sighed before he took the bottle and poured herself another glass,

"It'll work out." Naruto smiled taking the bottle and pouring himself a glass,

The two drank and laughed together, "Humans are like that, you know? They have to spend their whole life dealing with their own loneliness. I lived together with another person for a long time too, but in the end, each person has to bear their loneliness by themselves."

"...Yea." Naruto said while Naruto will say he liked to be alone from time to time, going to movies alone or on a walk or just looking at the clouds, but then again the majority of Naruto's friendgroup was alternate versions of himself and women he fully planned on f*cking, there was a word for that but it escaped him at the moment

Naruto raised an eyebrow when Suyeon sniffed his neck and looked at her, "Sometimes, if you go on dates and smell the scent of someone's skin you can forget about your worries for a little while."

"What?" Naruto asked

"You should date while you're young…if you don't want to regret anything."

"Yeah, I'll keep that in mind.' Naruto smiled which she noticed

"Oh dear, do I sound like a boomer?" Suyeon asked

"More like a mom." Naruto said

"What are you saying to an unmarried person!?" Suyeon yelled hitting Naruto who chuckled,

"You're drinking too much." Naruto said

"This is boring." Suyeon said, putting her glass down, before she leaned over with a suggestive look on her face, as her hand gripped his member, "Want to see my cat?"

Naruto smiled

Naruto's Bedroom

Suyeon played some music, before she walked back to bed and laid down next to Naruto's legs near the end of the bed, Naruto could feel her breasts pressing against his dick, keeping it flat to his stomach. Suyeon moved her breasts and down Naruto's co*ck before after a while she stopped and leaned away from his dick and opened her mouth showing a half melted ice cube that she let overrun her lips onto his co*ck causing it to jerk. She then rubbed her hand up and down and licked the tip of his co*ck. She licked the slit while her breasts sandwiched his co*ck. The rest of the ice melted as her tongue swirled around the head then tried to slide into the slit before she made the effort of bending her head so that the top of Naruto's co*ck was into her mouth. The woman began to bob her head up and down, slowly at first before she sped up her pace, taking more of his girth and choking every few dips before she slowly but completely rubbed her nose into his pelvis as she deepthroated him.

The music covered some of the loud gagging and slurping sounds. She kept at it, her pace becoming faster and faster until finally Naruto came.

Suyeon deepthroated him so that all that cum would pass straight down her throat. Naruto released spurt after spurt of cum, filling Suyeon in every way she wanted. She let the last few spurts of cum in her mouth to taste it again. After Naruto was finished he watched Suyeon open her mouth to show Naruto his cum and started to swirl it around with her tongue. She closed her mouth, swallowed and opened again to show her that this time there was nothing in it.

“Can I ride you?" Suyeon asked

Naruto smiled and reached down bringing her up so that she was straddling him, his co*ck rubbed slightly against her cl*t, Suyeon pushed down and rubbed some more before she propped herself on her feet and moved his co*ck into position. While one hand was steadying his dick, the other was lowering her down to the point where their privates met and the head was at the entrance.

Suyeon looked at Naruto as she felt his co*ck trying to enter her and at first couldn't manage it as the co*ck had slid and rubbed against her cl*t. She tried again but this time more pressure was added and finally, the head entered. Suyeon steadied herself as Naruto groaned. Suyeon breathed in deeply and dropped herself onto him.

As she dropped onto the co*ck that shot all the way to the back of her puss* Naruto grabbed her comfortably and began healing her. After a moment Suyeon began to suck on his neck and kissed her way to his lips and they began to make out.

Suyeon pushed her lower body up and then dropped down with a wet clap being heard and the sound of her wet puss*. The two moaned loudly and Suyeon began to move her hips to the music, Naruto watched Suyeon move and dance atop of him as she rode his co*ck, her large breasts would jiggle and she stared into his eyes

As Suyeon continued to ride him her moans got louder as she began to have mini-org*sms Naruto ran his hands up her torso to her breasts before he planted his feet and began thrusting up causing her to gasp and place her hand on his chest, before after a while he grabbed her ass and slammed her hips down on Naruto's hips

“Ohhhhhhhhh. '' Suyeon screamed her org*sm while Naruto groaned at the feeling of immense pleasure as he felt Suyeon's walls constricting even more. Naruto sighed as he felt his cum release directly into Suyeon. After calming down from their org*sms, Suyeon repositioned herself so that she was laying flat against Naruto, her large breasts pressed firmly against his chest as their sweat mixed where they made contact as she looked directly into his eyes and smiled a bright smile.

Naruto rolled them over and put her on her hands and knees, Naruto began to give Suyeon backshots.

The claps of their skin resonated with the beat playing as Naruto sped up his thrusts into Suyeon until he nutted in her once again leaning over her and resting a hand on the headboard as he sighed and slapped her ass causing her to moan and she looked up at him before he kissed her and they cuddled,

As they began to doze off, they had no idea of the world coming to a halt as on the news a spacecraft hovered above a city before the power was cut and the screens cut back on before Raditz appeared through the static, "You are not alone.

Suyeon and Naruto slept as everyone watched the weird broadcast,

"My name is Raditz. I have journeyed across an ocean of stars to reach you. For some time, your world has sheltered the Prince of Planet Vegeta. I request that you return him to our custody. To those of you who know of his location, the fate of your planet rests in your hands. To Prince Nion , I say this: come forth within twenty-four hours, or watch this world suffer the consequences."


Naruto King of the Saiyans - Chapter 1 - NidaimeKyuubi94 (2024)
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Author: Melvina Ondricka

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Author information

Name: Melvina Ondricka

Birthday: 2000-12-23

Address: Suite 382 139 Shaniqua Locks, Paulaborough, UT 90498

Phone: +636383657021

Job: Dynamic Government Specialist

Hobby: Kite flying, Watching movies, Knitting, Model building, Reading, Wood carving, Paintball

Introduction: My name is Melvina Ondricka, I am a helpful, fancy, friendly, innocent, outstanding, courageous, thoughtful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.