King of Hell - Chapter 1 - Artemuis (2024)

Chapter Text

Chakra Burst Arc: Birth

A Tailed Beast Bomb is shot towards Hokage Rock, but just in time, the Fourth Hokage appears using his signature jutsu Flying Raijin and the same jutsu to teleport it elsewhere. An explosion then appears outside the village.

The Fourth Hokage then arrives next to the Third Hokage dressed and ready for battle after a quick and decisive battle against Tobi or what the Fourth thinks to be Madara Uchiha.

"Minato, nice of you to show." The Third Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi, says towards Minato Namikaze while his eyes never left the Nine-Tails' eyes. Cold eyes meeting experienced ones.

"Nice to be here. Sorry it took me so long. I had to take care of some things." Minato says.

"Is everything alright? Did something happen during the birth? Actually, tell me about it later. It's time for a counter-assault before it chooses to attack much lower with that bomb of his." Hiruzen says to Minato.

Minato takes a second to think out a plan, but the only thing that comes to mind would result in his death, but if it's to protect Kushina, Naruto, and the village, he'll gladly do it. The plan would require Kushina to take up the burden again, but better her than anyone else. "Ok. Hiruzen, I have a plan. But I need you to…"

However, before Minato could finish, a large burst of chakra was felt across the Elemental Nations. The chakra was comparable to the Four-Tails. To those in the Yamanaka Clan, Hyuga Clan, great sensor nin, and Kage level Shinobi it felt like hell, anger, and rage. The burst of chakra was immensely powerful in regards to the emotion and power it carried. However, the Nine-Tails could easily feel the overwhelming emotions layered with powerful chakra. So when this event happened, the Nine-Tails was overwhelmed and completely distracted. To the Nine-Tails. It was like a flashbang went off right in front of each ear and directly in front of its eyes. It was disorienting.

'What the hell was that? So much chakra. So much hate and malice. So many emotions. Too many, damn was that the birth of a Tailed Beastor something. Wait, is this Natural Chakra? Wait, this chakra felt more human than Tailed Beast. How can a mere human possess so much anger and chakra? This has to be a new Tailed Beast. No, that's impossible without father. Unless father has somehow returned? Or maybe a Sage or some Boss Summon?'The Nine-Tails was completely lost in thought.

The chakra was a great distraction for the Tailed Beast, however, for the majority of the humans, it was like a strong breeze. A breeze that was very cold, nippy, and quick. Thus when Minato noticed that the Nine-Tails was greatly distracted he did three things. One, told Hiruzen the full plan, resulting in Hiruzen quickly volunteering to be the one to die allowing Naruto to have both parents. Two, prepared an altar for the sealing, and then he teleported Naruto and Kushina to the area right behind the Nine-Tails. Minato was determined to keep Naruto by his side or with Kushina. Three, while Hiruzen offered up a quick explanation of the plan to Kushina, Minato took a chakra pill to replenish his chakra. By the time the Nine-Tails came to focus back on the shinobi below him, the two Kage Shinobi were behind him and about 40 seconds had passed.

Since the Shinobi came too first and didn't prod the Nine-Tails by attacking, therefore when the sealing began, the Nine-Tails was taken by surprise.

"Minato, Hiruzen. Focus on the sealing I'll handle the Nine-Tails." just as Kushina says that she finishes creating a barrier around the Nine-Tails and began holding the Nine-Tails down with her chains and moving back in position for the sealing.

"Kushina get over here." Minato yells. Ready to seal the Nine-Tails into his Wife, but the Nine-Tailed Fox realized at that moment what those humans were about to do. It was going to be sealed again. So the moment Kushina got close to Minato, the Nine-Tails uses one of its hands to attempt to kill everyone in the barrier. The chain prevented it. It was able to pull back its arms enough that only one person was hit. However, that one was Kushina.

A nail ripped through her lower body. Disconnecting her top half from her bottom with part of her torso still attached to her lower half. Since she was running, the top half of her body leans to the right and forward. This forces her red hair to flow behind her like a carpet of blood. Her lower half not realizing that the top half is no longer still attached, continues to run like nothing even happen. This all happened within a second. After that second, her body, still clinging to life, fell to the ground bouncing off of the ground. Her still breathing body lands next to a shocked Minato. Her horrified face stares at Minato with tears falling down her face.

"KUSHINA!" Minato finally finds words after a beat of silence. However, the voice falls on deaf ears due to the fact that Kushina Uzumaki is now dead. His beloved wife. The one who wasn't supposed to die. His rock was now dead. Right in front of him. Distracted and distraught, Minato quickened the sealing process. Minato at his lowest point seals the Yin half of the Nine-Tails into Naruto, but without Kushina and her better knowledge of sealing Hiruzen ends up taking the other half of the Nine-Tails within himself. He then enters the Shinigamis' Belly. After a brief goodbye, the sealing of the Nine-Tails is complete. Yet, Minato hurts.

Minato cuddles a crying Naruto and soon joins him. He had failed Kushina and placed a huge weight on his child's shoulders. For what reason? A hunch?

It took a few seconds for the anbu and a few high-ranking jonin to arrive and see a devastated Minato. Kakashi appearing a second later also sees his sensei, completely broken and damaged while holding his son, Naruto. However, not a moment after they all arrived that face of sadness would switch into his hokage face.

"Kakashi, you stay with me for the moment. Anbu, you're not to let anyone within 2 km of this area. Seal this location off. Bring me the list of damages, dead, and injured within the hour. I'll be in the Hokage Tower." After saying that. Minato grabs Kakashi and Naruto and teleports home to grab a crib and then teleports to Hokage Tower.

Setting Naruto on his crib, then sitting in the chair of the Hokage. His chair. He looks at Kakashi.

"Kushina is no longer with us. I'm sorry. I was too slow again." And just like that, the tears flow again, but no noise comes out. Just liquid pain. "I failed again. In that single moment of weakness, I made my own f*cking son into a Jinchuuriki. I made him into a sacrifice because of a f*cking hunch. I might even be right, but my son might die during that journey. It's just…"

"Minato-sensei, we are both failures. I guess that comes with prodigies. Regardless, I know I'm the last person that should say this, but Kushina wouldn't have wanted you to mope and brood after her death. She didn't like me doing it after Rin and Obito. So I know that she would not like it from you. Be a father for Naruto. If you don't want him to die…" Kakashi pauses and thinks about Rin. About how he killed her and broke the promise he made to Obito. Then he thinks about Obito. The one who helped him become the man he is today. "I'll ensure that Naruto, does not die. I promise, but you must promise to protect the Leaf and be the best damn father you can. Be there always, because only then will Naruto come home. I believe it to be true."

Minato looks up at his student. The last living student.

"Kakashi, your right. Thanks, I needed that. Well, since you offered up. Naruto will be your responsibility to train. I guess you will need to become a jonin again."

Minato walks over to the crib and looks at his baby son. His infant son who just lost his mother to the beast inside him. Minato then looks out the window into the village. He sees the fires and destruction left by the Nine-Tails. But just then a question enters Minato's mind. What was that explosion of chakra?

"Kakashi, I need you to round up the Clan Heads for an emergency meeting. Tell them to meet within the hour. You will also be attending with Naruto as well to offer protection."

Kakashi nods and Body Flickers away. Just as Kakashi leaves two anbu enter the Hokage Office.


"Most of the northwestern part of the village was destroyed. Part of the Academy was destroyed same goes for the hospital. The Shinobi records and Library were left undamaged. Many Civilians and Shinobi Housing were reduced to rumble. The number of dead is about 16,070 Civilians and 805 Shinobi. This brings the population to about 142,000, but the Shinobi population took a huge hit. Total active shinobi number about 5,000. About 200 extra Shinobi are in the hospital treating injuries received during the Nine-Tails attack. We also have about 1,000 Shinobi left in reserve."

'During this council meeting, we must change and solve a lot or Konoha will be torn apart by whichever village hears this first. We need Tsunade and Jiraiya, now.'

"Thank you for your report Bulldog. Have a written report on my desk by the end of the day and a new report within two hours. Report the extent of the injured, and the damage to the walls. Also, check on the clean-up team. Dismissed."

The two anbu, Bulldog and Owl left. Allowing Minato to replenish weapons, and dress up Naruto more than the blanket he currently had on. Minato wrote a letter to Jiraya to find Tsunade and come back to the village. The letter told a brief explanation of the attack and the deaths, but nothing regarding Naruto. He then summoned a toad to deliver the letter to Jiraya. Minato sat down and prepared himself for the meeting. After about 30 minutes, the two anbu returned. Minato told them to come with him to update everyone in the council room at the same time. Kakashi returned shortly after. Kakashi then escorted Minato to the Council Room.

In Council Room

This is the room where sh*t happens. However, today is a different type of day. An emergency meeting was called regarding the Nine-Tails attack. Action must be taken to restore the village. This meeting is the beginning of a series of late nights and arguments.

Minato appeared outside the council room with Kakashi and Naruto and the two anbu. Minato wasting no time opened the door and proceeded to the chair at the head of the table. The room was very large, but that was to be expected. Some of the biggest egos and people were in one place after all. The tables where the Clan Heads and Leaders sat was U-Shaped. Twelve chairs were placed around the table. The moment you enter from left to right you have the Aburame, Akimichi, Yamanaka, Nara, Hyuga, Senju, Hokage, Uchiha, Inuzuka, Uzumaki, Sarutobi, and Shimarua seats with their respective clan symbols in front of each section of the table. Behind each chair for the Clan Heads was one chair for those next in line for Clan Head or anyone that the Clan Head would bring.

Kakashi, someone who has all but abandoned his clan duties walked to his location around the table with Minato right behind. Minato sat down at the head of the room. Since, for once, everyone arrived before the Hokage. The two anbu stand in a corner until called.

"Today. Konoha has fought a battle against the strongest-tailed beast and won. However, Konoha has taken heavy losses and great damage. The sacrifices were numerous and we are only here because of them. I'm here to say that Hiruzen Sarutobi has passed away in battle. He and jonin Kushina Uzumaki worked with me to enact a plan to defeat the Nine-Tailed Fox. Anbu Owl will present the casualties and damage report."

Owl then appears in the middle of the room and gives his updated report.

"The northwestern part of the village was destroyed. Part of the Academy was destroyed same goes for the hospital. About 5,000 Civilians and Shinobi Housing were reduced to ashes or crushed entirely. The number of dead is about 20,740 Civilians and 1,042 Shinobi. This brings the population from 160,000 to 138,218, but the Shinobi population took a huge hit. Total active Shinobi now number about 5,000. Add the 605 extra Shinobi in the hospital treating injuries during the Nine-Tails attack and the 1,000 Shinobi left in reserves and we have a potential force of 6,605. However, of those in the hospital, only 100 aren't in critical condition. If nothing is done many of them will either die or be forced to retire via lost limb. During the Third Shinobi War, we lost more than half of our Shinobi. At our peak, we had about 16,000 Shinobi in various ranks and positions. Now, we have lost about 60% of our fighting force. The majority of our uninjured Shinobi are genin or chuunin, and of our injured are chuunin and jonin.

About 8 km of the northwestern wall was destroyed with about 25% of the farmland also damaged. The damaged land only affected part of the wheat, and grazing land. Outside the village, about 30 km of forest was upturned mostly from the teleported Tailed Beast Bomb. That will conclude my report." Owl finishes.

"Thank you for the report, you are dismissed." Once Owl has left Minato starts again. "The two issues on the table that we must solve before we leave today are as follows. One, what will we do about the attack? Two, how will we fix the shinobi population and promotion. Now, before I say anything, does anyone have something to say before we get started… Okay. First, everything I am about to say will be an S-ranked secret." Minato activates a seal and barrier around the room and begins.

"My wife, Kushina Uzumaki was the host for the Nine-Tails. During childbirth, the seal that normally holds it back is weakened greatly. I have prepared for this and was there to ensure that it could not escape. Everything was fine until a masked man arrived. He was able to take Kushina as the room exploded. I was able to drop my son off at home and get Kushina back. However, by the time I returned, the Nine-Tails was already pulled out of her. After taking her to my son, I left to deal with the masked man. I learned three things during and after the fight. The masked man called himself Madara Uchiha. Two, he has some ability that makes him invulnerable. And three, he also has some teleportation ability. He was able to escape, but not before I was able to release his control of the Nine-Tails. I then appeared on the battlefield ready to teleport the Nine-Tails to a farther location to get some time to better prepare, but then that chakra burst happened. Thus Kushina, Hiruzen, and I had enough time to prepare something here and quickly handle the Nine-Tails. The plan was to seal it in Kushina, but she ended up being killed by the Nine-Tails, so I sealed it in my own son and Hizuren."

"Hokage-sama, you sealed a beast that murdered your wife and countless shinobi into your own son. Why?" Shikaku Nara says quickly and directly.

"Madara Uchiha's only rival was Hashirama Senju. Both of them were supposed to be dead, but now only Madara remains. No current living shinobi can stand up against him. I think the only reason I was able to defeat him was that he was either using some body-double-jutsu or wanted me to win."

Danzo Shimura then speaks. "It's quite possible that Madara Uchiha isn't alive. The man you faced was more or likely some Uchiha. That would explain why the Uchiha were not present or offered any help."

"Bastard. We were told to do nothing." Fugaku Uchiha says with venom lacing every word.

"Danzo, I don't think it was any Uchiha in these walls, but someone outside. If the Uchiha Clan were the ones behind this attack then I would assume they would attack while the Nine-Tails rampaged." Minato says while Fugaku gives a hateful glare at Danzo.

"Anyway, are you saying that you sealed the beast in your son to make another Hashirama-level shinobi?"

"Yes. But if that was just it then I wouldn't have brought it up. My plan is to have Naruto become the face of the coming war against our "Madara", but also bring the up-and-coming jonin and genin up to a new level."

"I see. Troublesome, but understandable. If we are attempting to create a wave of elite shinobi then we will need to change the way the academy is run."

"I agree with the Nara. If we bring back Tsunade, we should be able to further the development of medicine, and create better team dynamics." Tsume Inuzuka says.

Kakashi then jumps into the discussion. "If we swap the anbu with the police, then we can better utilize the Uchiha Clan."

Danzo again speaks up careful to hide his hate. "What do you propose?"

"That either the anbu become the sole policing force in Konoha which will require more training, members, and new procedures. This will allow more Uchiha into the shinobi ranks, which will not only raise the number of shinobi, but also powerful shinobi. The other option is that the police will become the new anbu. This will allow the current anbu to either join the new police force or join the shinobi ranks. Both options will help Konoha become stronger."

'Hatake, you are a blessing to the Uchiha. Thank you boy. No, Kakashi.'Fugaku thinks as Minato agrees with Kakashi.

After two hours of debate, with Danzo losing ground at every turn. Votes are cast to enact the new changes with an overwhelming majority voting in favor of the changes.

"The list of changes to be enacted are as follows: The anbu will become the sole policing force in Konoha disbanding the police and moving them to the shinobi ranks. Tsunade Senju will return to teach medical ninjutsu and remodel the hospital and team dynamic. Minato Namikaze and Jiraya will work with the Yamanaka Clan to create a sensor division. Minato Namikaze will teach shinobi fuinjutsu. All shinobi will go through collective training every first Monday of a month starting in three months' time. The academy curriculum and training will be overhauled by Minato Namikaze, Shikaku Nara, Tsunade Senju, and Shisui Uchiha. Hyuga, Inuzuka, and Aburame clans will create a tracking division." Minato reads.

"Before we end this meeting, I think we should talk about that chakra burst." Hiashi Hyuga quickly says.

"Yeah. What was that? My wife said it felt completely different from the Nine-Tails." Inochi Yamanaka says.

"This could be the chakra of the real Madara or something else entirely, but I think we should send some shinobi to investigate," Danzo says trying to end the meeting on a better note than how he started.

"Some from the Uchiha Clan said it came from the northwest." f*ckagu says.

"Same direction my guards and I saw while fighting the Nine-Tails." Hiashi adds with a little snark.

"When Jiraya gets here he might have some information, but I do agree we should investigate. If it was powerful enough to greatly distract the Nine-Tails, then it might be of great concern." Shibi Aburame states.

"We will send a group of sensors and trackers to go track down the source of the chakra burst once Jiraya returns. Until then. We'll start implementing the changes starting next week. Dismissed." Minato closes, but his mind still wanders on the chakra burst.

'What could make a burst that can distract the Nine-Tailed Fox.'

Meanwhile somewhere in the Land of Grass

A man walks out of a crater. The crater is over 1 km across, but the surrounding area has been completely sucked of life for about 10 km. The man tan in complexion looks nearly out of it. His clothes hang by a thread. He stands at 1.83 meters with an athletic body similar to a UFC fighter. His olive eyes droop and his wavy brown hair drip with blood. The man steps one foot at a time into the forest stripped of life. If anyone was alive nearby they would see a man, but they would feel power similar to a Tailed-Beast radiating from the man. So much power contained within a mere man. However, this wasn't no mere mortal. This man was once known as Jigoku. However, the man walking through the lifeless forest is now Kiao. On this day a devil and a prophecy child have been born. Their meeting won't come for years to come, but when they finally meet. The shinobi world will forever change.

King of Hell - Chapter 1 - Artemuis (2024)
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Author: Manual Maggio

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Name: Manual Maggio

Birthday: 1998-01-20

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Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.